Welcome to my Portfolio!

About Me
I am currently a senior and Mechanical Engineering major at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. In addition to my coursework, I've served as a teaching fellow for the Mechanical Engineering Department and the McNair Scholars Program, the current Vice President of UMBC's chapter of Engineers Without Borders, and I have been involved with UMBC's Center for Democracy and Civic Life as a leadership coach and Alternative Spring Break Leader. I am a member of the McNair Scholars Program, the Mechanical Engineering S-STEM Program, and the Grand Challenge Scholars Program. I was motivated to become a Grand Challenges Scholar because of my desire to become a more well-rounded engineer, and to meet people from a variety of majors and backgrounds that are interested in tackling the Grand Challenges and working towards long-term change. After graduating from UMBC, I will be pursuing a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University. I hope to eventually become a professor as I am very passionate about teaching. My hobbies are learning Russian, going to metal concerts with my family, and insect pinning!
What is the Grand Challenges Scholars Program?
The Grand Challenges Scholars Program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to foster skills outside of their academics to become more well-rounded scholars. The program places an emphasis on five different areas: Research, Global Perspectives, Service, Interdisciplinarity, and Entrepreneurship. Each of these experiences will assist scholars in forming the skills necessary to tackle one of the 14 Grand Challenges of Engineering.

Selected Grand Challenge:
Advance Personalized Learning
I have chosen this as my Grand Challenge because I am interested in becoming an educator in the future. Recently, I have put this goal into action by becoming a Teaching Fellow for introductory engineering at UMBC, as well as the Teaching Fellow for the McNair Scholars Program. The McNair Program specifically has allowed me the freedom to create my own curriculum, and in my role I have worked to break down barriers surrounding the Teaching Fellow/Student relationship. I believe this has been crucial in creating a holistic learning environment, and I've worked recently with McNair Program staff on research regarding our holistic critical mentoring model!